Acquired Disability Group

At any stage in our lives, we may acquire a disability or medical condition. This support group is designed to assist individuals to understand and manage their disabilities, to enhance self-esteem, and to realize how to maximize the use of community resources.

Facilitator: Judy Carter, Peer Mentor
Contact:  or (941) 351-9545; Cell: 941-899-5321

Brain Injury Support Group

Though not always visible and sometimes seemingly minor, a head injury is complex. It can cause physical, cognitive, social, behavioral and vocational changes. In many cases, recovery becomes a lifelong process of adjustments and accommodations for the injured person and their family.

Join our support group and receive valuable information on how you and your family can cope. Caregivers are also encouraged to attend.

Facilitator: Judy Carter, Peer Mentor
Meeting Times: To Be Announced.
Location: Suncoast Center for Independent Living
Contact Info:  or (941) 351-9545; Cell: 941-899-5321

Magic Hands

MAGIC HANDS is a support group for people with different disabilities . Join our support group and gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar experiences. 

Facilitator: Carolina Fuenmayor, IL Advocate
Meeting Times: Every other Wednesday
Location: Suncoast Center for Independent Living
Contact Info:  (941) 351-9545