Computer Loan Program

SCIL loans refurbished computers and other computer-related components to people with disabilities. Click to learn more.

Medical Equipment Loan Program

SCIL provides durable medical equipment for free to residents in Sarasota and Manatee Counties. The Medical Equipment loan Program includes a selection of walkers, canes, crutches, shower chairs, manual and electric Wheelchairs (limited quantities) and other items which are available to be loaned out on a temporary basis. Both short and long- terms loans are available.

This is a free program provided by SCIL in partnership with Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST).

Transition Programs for Adults and Youth

Independence means knowing how to take care of yourself and the demands of life. To help with these challenges, SCIL offers several basic and advance courses in Health and Wellness, Life Math and Budgeting, Household Skills and Computer Skills Class. Click to learn more.


SCIL offers FREE medical transportation services in partnership with FDOT. Please call 941.351.9545 for intake information.

Manual Wheelchair Loan Program

SCIL provides manual wheelchairs for free to residents in Sarasota and Manatee Counties in partnership with the WHEELCHAIR FOUNDATION. Both short and long terms loans are available

Get Out and Play!

 SCIL is partnering with FAAST to offer various types of cycles and sports chairs to individuals with spinal cord injuries for 30- day loan periods.  There are also tabletop hand cycles and wheelchairs fitness equipment.
All of the equipment is available now so call at Please call 941.351.9545 or stop by SCIL for a demo or to take any equipment home with you.

Food Services

Suncoast Center for Independent Living is a proud partner of All Faiths Food Bank. Once a week Suncoast Center for Independent Living delivers free canned goods and frozen items to those disabled in need during this difficult time while helping them maintain their independence. Food varies from week to week.

If you are disabled experiencing food insecurity, please call us at 941. 351-9545.

Close up view of hand on a wheelchair wheel.